HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter Support Product Page

Format based on date

Asked 13 Dec 2013 22:45:08
have this question
13 Dec 2013 22:45:08 Brad Lawryk posted:
Is it possible to change a format based on date?

For example all records with a date older than today have one value and all records with a newer date than today have a different value?


Replied 05 Apr 2016 23:35:13
05 Apr 2016 23:35:13 Brad Lawryk replied:
Why doesn't this work?

<span class="{{Employer_CallBack.where( &quot;Employer_CallBack&quot;, &quot;&lt;=&quot;, &quot;now&quot; ).then( &quot;yellowText&quot;, &quot;greenText&quot; )}}">{{Employer_CallBack}}</span>

Should show yellow text of date is today or past and green text if the date is in the future.

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