HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter Support Product Page

set infinite number for all entries to be displayed?

Asked 27 Jan 2014 19:06:16
has this question
27 Jan 2014 19:06:16 Jamie oates posted:
have the group by working great but now when I try ti increase the return of data to include all countries it flakes out, as in displays nothing.
have tried to remove the limit tag from

and also increased to 18000 as above, which is where it flakes.......


Replied 27 Jan 2014 19:13:23
27 Jan 2014 19:13:23 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Jamie,
Can you please explain what is the number of records you would like to display into the select field?
Replied 27 Jan 2014 19:34:14
27 Jan 2014 19:34:14 Jamie oates replied:
I have 130k hotels with country and cities, have two drop menus with country and then city. when i group by on the country its grouping the countries but stops at china and then am missing the other 100 odd countries....
I have set it as a limit of 18000 as a test and am returned blank, reducing the limit to say 1000 and I have china.... with a list of about 30 countries displayed.
Of course am needing all countries displayed from the 130k hotels after group by
Replied 27 Jan 2014 19:36:04
27 Jan 2014 19:36:04 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
In the database connection settings add a limit of some big number- 200000 for example, then on results per page you can add 200000 also. Please provide a link where we can check the returned results.
Replied 27 Jan 2014 19:46:19
27 Jan 2014 19:46:19 Jamie oates replied:
when I set a big number it goes blank, so nothing is displayed, when I change down to 10000 I have china again
Is there a time out on the script that I can change? could that be the problem?

To see it.... hmm think we had this one before, I have a bad habit of not uploading things till they are working lol will need a day or two to finalize the site in general and then I can do that.
Replied 30 Jan 2014 10:31:46
30 Jan 2014 10:31:46 George Petrov replied:
Hi Jamie,

Having huge amount of data in the same data source and applying group by is a bad idea.

As your data is hierarchical. you should split it in different data sources that are dependent of each other.

Like having first the countries, then with the selected county you can go and fetch the cities, and then for each city you can fetch all the hotels in it.

You can do this easy by building the different data sources and having filters in them and then just use dependable dropdowns as UI.


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