HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter Support Product Page


Using Data Bindings Formatter in place of PHP Switch (Select Case Statement)

Asked 13 Jan 2018 20:43:02
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13 Jan 2018 20:43:02 Armen M posted:
I am displaying fields from a single record using the DMXzone Server Connect and the HTML 5 Data Bindings extensions. I also have the HTML 5 Data Binding Formatter extension installed. A few of my fields have integers saved which corresponded to items in the form (drop-down) that the user selected when submitting a form. How do I now display those on the page? For example, one filed can have a value of 1, 2, or 3. I want to display Email if the value is 1, Phone if the value is 2, and Fax if the value is 3. How can I do this using DMXzone extensions? In the past I simply used a PHP Case statement to accomplish this. This is what the current field display looks like: {{[0]["1_07-PimaryContactType"]}}

I have been playing with the HTML 5 Data Bindings Formatter, but the documentation is a little light and I can't seem to get it to do what I need. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Replied 15 Jan 2018 12:58:16
15 Jan 2018 12:58:16 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Armen,
Using the then filter, you can achieve this:

In your case that would be:

Quote{{([0]["1_07-PimaryContactType"] == 1).then( "Email", "" )}} {{([0]["1_07-PimaryContactType"] == 2).then( "Phone", "" )}} {{([0]["1_07-PimaryContactType"] == 3).then( "Fax", "" )}}

Replied 15 Jan 2018 22:26:56
15 Jan 2018 22:26:56 Armen M replied:
Thank you!

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