DMXzone Security Provider PHP Support Product Page

In progress

Security Provider stuck with "empty list" in connection field

Reported 27 Jul 2016 18:36:01
has this problem
27 Jul 2016 18:36:01 Sol Rodriguez posted:
I am trying to add single user security to my site using the video found here:

However, my version of server connect has an extra field called "Connection" in the Step: Security Provider. This field is empty and when I try to press the "Provider Options" button, the Connection field is highlighted and a popup says "Field is required". If I try to fill in this field, it clears itself and constantly says "Field is Required". If I click in the blank Conneciton field, a pop up says "Empty List".

Please help. Thank you.


Replied 28 Jul 2016 08:35:16
28 Jul 2016 08:35:16 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Sol,
this appears to be a small issue with the latest Server Connect update. We will improve it in the upcoming update.
The workaround is, when you select single provider and see the database connection field (which indeed should not appear there) just open the Type menu again and select again -> Single. This will hide the database field.

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