DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Elements Support Product Page

Under investigation

bootstrap element 3.3.0 javascript error

26 Mar 2015 09:21:40 Herve de Brabandère 7ok sprl posted:
I have just upgraded (using dmxzone extension manager) dmxzone bootstrap 3.3.0 (including bootstrap 3.3.4), navigation and elements and when i use bootstrap element (icon and image tested) i get this javascript error
" While executing selectionChanged in dmxBootstrap3Elements.htm, a JavaScript error occurred "
that reappears every time i click ok button. I'm unable to close dreamweaver and i have to kill dreamweaver task.
I reinstalled both bootstrap 3.3.0 and element using dmxzone ext. mgr. but no change.
pc xp sp3 dreamweaver cs6


Replied 26 Mar 2015 09:33:00
26 Mar 2015 09:33:00 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Herve,
Unfortunately we cannot recreate this error message on our machines. Does this happen on a blank new page or is this happening on a page, that is already created?
Replied 26 Mar 2015 16:26:31
26 Mar 2015 16:26:31 Herve de Brabandère 7ok sprl replied:
Hello Teodor,
This happens on a blank new page both localy and on remote server.
This message appears after i use bootstrap element when i click live button to see changes before or after saving my html file.
If i don't click live button after i used bootstrap element i can saves changes. Then if i normaly close dreamweaver ( also additionaly if i do a cold start of the pc) this message will reappear next time i will start dreamweaver and click live button.
On the other hand if i do changes using bootstrap element, save my page then click on live button, get the message, kill dreamweaver task (ctl alt delete) restart dreamweaver, i can click live button to see element changes without any problem.
Here is a testpage
Replied 26 Jun 2015 15:01:20
26 Jun 2015 15:01:20 Herve de Brabandère 7ok sprl replied:
any news ?
Replied 12 Aug 2015 21:18:50
12 Aug 2015 21:18:50 David Woolley replied:
I'm having the same problem as Herve.
Constantly having to end Dreamweaver from task manager.
Would be nice to get this sorted out.
DW CS6, Windows 7
Replied 05 Nov 2015 14:34:03
05 Nov 2015 14:34:03 Firdaus Rohman replied:
I have the same problem with DWCS6.
Replied 05 Nov 2015 15:44:10
05 Nov 2015 15:44:10 Firdaus Rohman replied:
So the problem is gone after I close the "Bootstrap 3 Elements" panel / window prior to switch to live view. There's still error if I have the panel open.

#Update: The problem is there only if the panel is active. If I activate other panel or hide / minimize the "Bootstrap 3 Elements" panel, I don't get the error. I get the error again (other longer error message; While executing onShow, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred: At line 283 of the [directory]\Floaters\dmxBootstrap3Elements.htm": liveBrowser.evalJS is not a function) when I activate "Bootstrap 3 Elements" panel when on live view.
Replied 05 Nov 2015 15:53:55
05 Nov 2015 15:53:55 Herve de Brabandère 7ok sprl replied:
Thanks guys,
I'm no more the only one to have this problem !
Replied 05 Nov 2015 16:10:08
05 Nov 2015 16:10:08 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Thanks Firdaus for the debug information.
We are going to check what exactly causes the issue.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 10:37:49
17 Nov 2015 10:37:49 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
Is this the same error I am having? Sorry Teodor I posted this earlier, but in the wrong product support page, here It is again:

Trying to add Bootstrap3 onto a page and I got this error. It has been working OK. It happened once before a few days ago and I reinstalled Bootstrap and that did not work, I had to reinstall Dreamweaver CC 2015 and all the extensions again to fix it, but I can not keep doing the same thing every day!

error" While executing onClick in dmxBpotstrap3Elements.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occurred: In file "dmxbootstrap3elements": addbootstrapCSS is not defined"
Replied 17 Nov 2015 11:04:29
17 Nov 2015 11:04:29 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
This is a different error - please provide the exact steps, in order to recreate this problem.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 12:12:12
17 Nov 2015 12:12:12 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
I was just creating a new html document blank page and save and then insert DMXBootstrap3 to the page and it would not do it with the error shown. It has been working OK before and I have not done anything differently.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 12:22:19
17 Nov 2015 12:22:19 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Did you install these extensions, using the DMXzone Extension Manager?
Replied 17 Nov 2015 15:16:27
17 Nov 2015 15:16:27 Firdaus Rohman replied:
In my case, yes.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 15:23:53
17 Nov 2015 15:23:53 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
yes, I did.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 15:29:08
17 Nov 2015 15:29:08 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please explain which button exactly do you click, in prior to seeing this:
"error" While executing onClick in dmxBpotstrap3Elements.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occurred: In file "dmxbootstrap3elements": addbootstrapCSS is not defined"
If possible provide screenshots of the steps.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 15:46:20
17 Nov 2015 15:46:20 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
File, new, html, save document, insert, DMXzone, DMXzonebootstrap3, error!
Replied 17 Nov 2015 15:50:45
17 Nov 2015 15:50:45 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hm, but are you trying to add the Bootstrap 3 through the Bootstrap 3 ELEMENTS Panel?
It should be added from the Bootstrap 3 Grid Panel:
or from the Insert Panel:

The error you post is related to bootsrap 3 elements ...
Replied 17 Nov 2015 16:04:49
17 Nov 2015 16:04:49 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
When it works, it will open up the Bootstrap grid panel, I don't do anything with bootstrap3elements, I do not know why the error comes up related to it. All I want at the time is to add containers and cells and I have been doing that this last week and it was working OK.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 16:06:55
17 Nov 2015 16:06:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Did you check my screenshots and did you try any of these two options?
Replied 17 Nov 2015 16:09:16
17 Nov 2015 16:09:16 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
I can go to "window" and open the Bootstrap 3 grid and the panel opens up to ask me to add Bootstrap3 to the page, which is the same thing to me but go in different route and that will generate the same error too.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 16:12:23
17 Nov 2015 16:12:23 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
Just looked at your screenshots, I did both and they came with the same error.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 16:12:26
17 Nov 2015 16:12:26 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
then obviously something is corrupted in your DW config. The extensions cannot just stop working, if nothing has changed.
Please completely remove all of the bootstrap 3 extensions using the DMXzone Extension Manager (installed section), restart DW and install Bootstrap 3 again, using the DMXzone Extension Manager (explore section)
Replied 17 Nov 2015 16:13:26
17 Nov 2015 16:13:26 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
I can continue working on the existing documents that already has Bootstrap3 embedded, but I can not start a new document.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 16:33:13
17 Nov 2015 16:33:13 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
OK, I'll try that and let you know. Thanks.
Replied 17 Nov 2015 20:44:04
17 Nov 2015 20:44:04 Rungnapa Sasitorn replied:
I removed and reinstalled everything again. It is working again now. Thanks.

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