HTML5 Slideshow 2 Support Product Page
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html5 slideshow2 doesn´t work with bootstrap 3
Reported 23 Aug 2015 09:27:23
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23 Aug 2015 09:27:23 thomas strmiska posted:
hello!i tried html 5 slideshow, but it don´t work for me. i use fullscreen, img fit, bootstrap3. i also tried responsive, but failed, too. what is the problem?
Replied 24 Aug 2015 10:26:35
24 Aug 2015 10:26:35 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
The slideshow is working just fine with Bootstrap 3. All of the slideshow showcases are created using the Bootstrap 3. What exactly is the issue you are having?!
The slideshow is working just fine with Bootstrap 3. All of the slideshow showcases are created using the Bootstrap 3. What exactly is the issue you are having?!
Replied 24 Aug 2015 16:16:59
24 Aug 2015 16:16:59 thomas strmiska replied:
please click on my posted link - as you can see, i use bootstrap 3. the slideshow should be responsive, but isn´t.
{"displayMode": "responsive", "width": "100%", "height": "75%", "dynSlides": {"target": ""}, "description": {"position": "bottom"}}

{"displayMode": "responsive", "width": "100%", "height": "75%", "dynSlides": {"target": ""}, "description": {"position": "bottom"}}
Replied 26 Aug 2015 08:06:17
26 Aug 2015 08:06:17 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
on your site i see the slideshow js file is an old version (v 1.0.5) please make sure to upload the new js file to your server (v 2)...
on your site i see the slideshow js file is an old version (v 1.0.5) please make sure to upload the new js file to your server (v 2)...
Replied 26 Aug 2015 19:10:02
26 Aug 2015 19:10:02 thomas strmiska replied:
sorry - i created a new site, but the image isn´t responsive, allthough i´ve choosed it.
now it´s v2.0.1
now it´s v2.0.1
Replied 26 Aug 2015 19:23:53
26 Aug 2015 19:23:53 thomas strmiska replied:
ok - the problem was - disable kenburns-effect:
"kenburns": {"enabled": false}
"kenburns": {"enabled": false}