Sliding PayPal Shopping Cart 2 Support Product Page

Javascript Issue

Reported 20 Jun 2017 19:27:21
has this problem
20 Jun 2017 19:27:21 Nigel Robinson posted:
Hi. Really not having much luck here. Any idea what these are about:

While executing applyBehaviour in Control Sliding Paypal Shopping Cart.htm, a JavaScript error occurred. The action will not be added to your document.

While executing onChange in Control Sliding Paypal Shopping Cart.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred: At line 377 of file "HD:Users:NRob:Library:Application Support:Adobereamweaver CC 2017:en_US:Configuration:Behaviours:ActionsMXzone:dmxSlidingCart.js"MX_ACTION_NAME has no properties

Sliding Shopping Cart is unusable until I can figure this out. Any and all help gratefully received.

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