DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page


Conditional action

Asked 23 May 2016 11:58:47
have this question
23 May 2016 11:58:47 David Woolley posted:
Do you have a tutorial/video on using the conditional action in Server Connect?
Only found a brief description on the SC Reference page.


Replied 23 May 2016 18:11:32
23 May 2016 18:11:32 George Petrov replied:
Hi David,

We will make a video soon, but the action is actually pretty easy to use.
Just choose Add Condition from the Core Actions, then pick as condition any expressions you want to check, or pick a variable to check.

Then in the "then" sub steps - add other steps you want to execute if condition is true, and in the " else" sub steps add actions to execute (optional) when the condition is false.

as condition you can use any javascript syntax you want so something like {{ == 'Yes'}} or similar will do fine. Just make sure you use the picker to select valid variables first.

Replied 21 Jul 2016 13:12:42
21 Jul 2016 13:12:42 David Woolley replied:
Hi George

I'm still quite confused about how to use the Add Condition, Add Set Value , Add Repeat actions.
It would be great if you could put a detailed guide with many examples on the site. I've tried with some simple expressions but nothing seems to work for me. Quite frustrated.


Replied 07 Sep 2016 10:23:40
07 Sep 2016 10:23:40 Reinhardt Ellis replied:
Any news on that video? Is there a link to this?
Replied 06 Dec 2016 03:07:47
06 Dec 2016 03:07:47 Quy Ton replied:
I have a condition on a column from a database query for value less than 3.

This executes correctly:
{{num_sent.between(0, 2)}}

This executes THEN for all values:
{{num_sent < 3}}

Why doesn't the second one work like the first one?

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