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Complex searches revisited

Reported 26 May 2016 14:56:15
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26 May 2016 14:56:15 David Woolley posted:
Is it possible to build complex searches yet using the Server Connect core actions?

I need to search & filter records using several search fields.

I can set up a single search Field A that finds ONE keyword across many fields all separated with OR like in your tut: "Searching in Multiple Database Columns Using a Single Search Field", but when I try to add another search Field B to be filtered, using AND in the query, there are unexpected results.

I realize that the expression has to evaluate the OR columns first , then the AND column like so:

column1 AND (column2 OR column3 OR column4)

field A searches column2, column3 & column4
field B searches column1

Then I need to setup more filtering with checkboxes, but one step at a time ...

BTW are you planning on releasing a complex search extension in the near future?


Replied 26 May 2016 19:26:17
26 May 2016 19:26:17 George Petrov replied:
Hi David,

You can already set conditional expressions in filters. So this will help you to achieve what you want.

So you can have something like:
column1 AND (if value2set -> column2 = value2) AND (if value3set -> column3 = value3)

So if those conditions aren't met the expressions in the filter are just left out.

So with this conditional filters functionality you will probably be able to achieve all you want.

We will in the next major version of Database Connector provide indeed nested expressions with specific visual builder for them.

Replied 26 May 2016 20:24:41
26 May 2016 20:24:41 David Woolley replied:
Thanks a lot George - I'll try this out.

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