DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page


Can you get data from api like majestic, ahrefs or semrush with server connect?

Asked 19 Jun 2017 19:24:28
has this question
19 Jun 2017 19:24:28 Matthew Da Cruz posted:
Is it possible to get data from ahref, semrush and majestic using the server, app connect suite?

here is an example from majestics api



I would like to get data from these apis using your tools.

1) is it possible
2) how is this done?



Replied 20 Jun 2017 05:36:51
20 Jun 2017 05:36:51 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Matthew,
Unfortunately it is not possible to read external JSON data sources for now, but soon there will be an addon for app connect which will allow this.
Replied 20 Jun 2017 06:53:17
20 Jun 2017 06:53:17 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
Replied 26 Feb 2018 07:22:18
26 Feb 2018 07:22:18 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
Hey Guys
Just following up on this question.
Have the ability to read external json api's been integrated yet?
Replied 26 Feb 2018 08:00:56
26 Feb 2018 08:00:56 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Matthew,
No, this features has not yet been integrated in the extension.
Replied 03 Jun 2018 19:48:22
03 Jun 2018 19:48:22 Anthony Williamson replied:
Hi Teodor,

How about an API that's PHP based, but designed to return JSON data?

Basically the API works like this: (The following PHP links are fake, but the methods are real)

The first screen of the app will be the login screen (with email address and password input fields, and a sign in button)
  • Request - ms1:
  • Response: [0," "]
  • Request - ms2: &password=fake-password
  • Response: [0,"Token…"]

The second response should be a unique auth token that can be used to access JSON data, such as “method=card-list&token=”, which is called just after login and returns a list of cards for the next screen.

With that card list data (and for each user), there is a secondary security token provided by the API. Here is an example of one of the card list users returned JSON data:

        "card_secure_ssl": "d1VwQkdMRjB3aXhtM0F3Q0kvMi9TR0tPWlBYRDJ5WUgxckQyTlFMdUtTRT0=",
        "card_last_4": "1241",
        "cardholder": "DEPARTMENT, IT",
        "period_avail": "1000.00",
        "card_status": "B"

These would be used to dynamically populate a list of cardholders on the page, and each cardholder instance would then link out to another page that dynamically pulls in the specific cardholder’s data. So on and so forth…

There are only 10 methods used by the API. The API is undocumented, meaning there is no API spec file, but it works perfectly.

Does anyone have any insights how I might setup the API to work like this on a mobile app project using Visual App Designer for Framework7, and other DMXzone Dreamweaver extensions? I have a monthly subscription, so I should be good on whichever ones I need to be using.


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