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Specific user with their favorites

Asked 12 May 2018 00:46:23
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12 May 2018 00:46:23 Rokon UL Haque posted:

My situation is as below; and I need to show the every logged in user that which books is in their favorite list and which are not, if those books are in favorite list then they will see a button to remove from favorite and if not then show a button add to favorite.

Books table are like this

Favorite table are like this

I need to do by default when the user login then all the books list will show up and not a filtered record based on the user favorite list and user see that whether that book is in his favorite list or not.

Every user will see the full books list by default and only the add to favorite or remove from favorite button will be shown up base on their favorite list from favorite table.

attach is an example picture of this

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