DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page


How do I sort by Rand?

Asked 02 Apr 2019 15:09:59
has this question
02 Apr 2019 15:09:59 Bruce Wilkie posted:
Hi there

How do I sort a select query by Rand?

I see there was a solution here that used Data Bindings, but with that now replaced by App Connect, is there another way?



Replied 05 Apr 2019 08:19:04
05 Apr 2019 08:19:04 Bruce Wilkie replied:
Any word on how to sort by Random?
Replied 05 Apr 2019 11:38:35
05 Apr 2019 11:38:35 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hey Bruce, please check this topic:
Replied 16 Apr 2019 10:43:12
16 Apr 2019 10:43:12 Bruce Wilkie replied:
Thanks Teodor

Had a look but I don't understand it as the advice seemed to be to check out a screenshot relating to 'Data Source', but the screenshot isn't diplayed in that thread for some reason. Just a broken image icon. Then the op mentions Data Bindings, which I don't appear to have now I'm using App Connect.

I'm totally lost.

Can you talk me through it with screenshots so I know what to do?

My client has asked for his projects to be displayed on screen in random order ever time the page is visited, but with an option to click on a button to then sort the projects by a date with the most recent project at the top.

Please can you help?


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