HTML5 Parallax Slider 2 Support Product Page

Bootstrap 3 Landing Page Template and Paralax SLider Images not working on live hosting site

Reported 12 Jan 2016 05:39:36
has this problem
12 Jan 2016 05:39:36 Kristina Good posted:
I used the Boot Strap 3 Landing Page template for a new website design and the Paralax slider shows in live view in Dreamweaver, but when I load it live to my hosting site the slider pictures do not show and all the scripts, Css, and images are loaded. Please explain what could be wrong. I even downloaded today the Paralax slider 2 today and it does not seem to make any difference. What should I do to get it to work.?


Replied 14 Jan 2016 09:32:56
14 Jan 2016 09:32:56 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Kristina,
Please provide a link to your page.
Replied 14 Jan 2016 23:41:45
14 Jan 2016 23:41:45 Kristina Good replied:
Thank you for getting back, any help would be greatly appreciated. See the links below and descriptions.

This link is with the Bootstrap 3 Landing Page Template and could not get the images to show. As you will see in the page source code, I have 4 slides and images and they do not show. I have reloaded all the files on the hosting site several times and have checked every scrip to make sure it is loaded and not missing and it is the same thing.

This Link I was just plating with the boot strap and parallax Slider 2, Nivio Slider 3, and Html5 slideshow. Just to try and get the sliders etc to work in the bootstrap design. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong.

Also on another note I can not get the behaviors panel to work at all on any of the extensions. It just comes up as a panel with no options. If you could assist with that also that would be great, but my biggest issue is the above links.


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