DMXzone Data Importer Support Product Page

csv import error Invalid Path!

Reported 07 May 2018 14:26:23
has this problem
07 May 2018 14:26:23 Matthew Da Cruz posted:
I have followed the video tutorial exactly when setting up the import csv in app connect.
I keep getting an Invalid Path! error
How do I fix this.
I pointed to a folder called 'import'

{"code":0,"file":"C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\digital-marketer-toolbox\\dmxConnectLib\\lib\\core\\Path.php","line":41,"message":"Invalid Path! ","trace":"#0 C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\digital-marketer-toolbox\\dmxConnectLib\\modules\\import.php(20): lib\\core\\Path::toSystemPath(NULL)\n#1 C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\digital-marketer-toolbox\\dmxConnectLib\\lib\\App.php(159): modules\\import->csv(Object(stdClass), 'csvImport_kille...')\n#2 C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\digital-marketer-toolbox\\dmxConnectLib\\lib\\App.php(128): lib\\App->execSteps(Object(stdClass))\n#3 C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\digital-marketer-toolbox\\dmxConnectLib\\lib\\App.php(98): lib\\App->execSteps(Array)\n#4 C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\digital-marketer-toolbox\\dmxConnectLib\\lib\\App.php(71): lib\\App->exec(Object(stdClass))\n#5 C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\digital-marketer-toolbox\\dmxConnect\\api\\Import\\killer-keywords.php(397): lib\\App->define('{\\n \"meta\": {\\n ...')\n#6 {main}"}


Replied 08 May 2018 06:51:39
08 May 2018 06:51:39 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Matthew,
What exactly is set to the import field in server connect panel?
Replied 08 May 2018 09:06:36
08 May 2018 09:06:36 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
Replied 08 May 2018 09:55:38
08 May 2018 09:55:38 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
This is the file upload step, my question is related to the csv import step path?
Replied 08 May 2018 14:58:54
08 May 2018 14:58:54 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
Replied 09 May 2018 06:43:29
09 May 2018 06:43:29 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
any thoughts?
Replied 09 May 2018 07:01:21
09 May 2018 07:01:21 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Can you check if the files get uploaded at all? Your file naming template in the file upload step is strange - just {name} without the {ext} part, which results in uploading a file named ""file.csv" as "file" with no extension.
You can just remove the {name} you entered and leave this field empty.
Replied 09 May 2018 18:19:44
09 May 2018 18:19:44 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
I have removed what you suggested and it says invalid path as error in inspector.

MESSAGE: Invalid Path!

Replied 09 May 2018 19:28:50
09 May 2018 19:28:50 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please send us a link to your page to as well as the csv file to test with, also enable the debug option for upload and import steps.
Replied 14 May 2018 08:56:05
14 May 2018 08:56:05 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
I sent in the details so you can login. Hope you get it figured out. I'm using a windows server / plesk
Replied 15 May 2018 15:48:23
15 May 2018 15:48:23 Matthew Da Cruz replied:
Any updats? Thanks

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