DMXzone App Connect Support Product Page
Can Google see pages generated using Server and App connect?
Asked 17 Oct 2018 10:54:17
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17 Oct 2018 10:54:17 Bruce Wilkie posted:
Hi thereI'm searching Google for any of the headlines in the news section of my client's website but can't find any of them. I can find all the static pages, but can't find any that were dynamically generated using Server Connect and App Connect.
Is there something about these pages that means Google can't index them?
thanks in advance
Replied 17 Oct 2018 11:56:35
17 Oct 2018 11:56:35 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Google has no issues rendering App Connect bindings on the page - so there are no issues with SEO, when using App Connect.
Most probably you created the pages too soon, and they are not yet indexed. You can test this using the google developer tools - fetch as google bot feature:
Most probably you created the pages too soon, and they are not yet indexed. You can test this using the google developer tools - fetch as google bot feature:
Replied 17 Oct 2018 13:13:21
17 Oct 2018 13:13:21 Bruce Wilkie replied:
OK, I've gone onto Google using the link and added the site. I've then clicked on 'Fetch' and it says it's 'complete' in the table below the box. Does this mean that Google has successfully indexed the site? I still can't find any of the pages that have content created using App Connect on Google
Example page being
Enter that url into google and I get no results apart from the sitemap.xml file
Enter the opening paragraph of that page into Google and it doesn't bring up the web page, so it certainly looks like Google aren't indexing the news pages. They've been uploaded for a month or two now so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
Example page being
Enter that url into google and I get no results apart from the sitemap.xml file
Enter the opening paragraph of that page into Google and it doesn't bring up the web page, so it certainly looks like Google aren't indexing the news pages. They've been uploaded for a month or two now so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
Replied 17 Oct 2018 13:40:20
17 Oct 2018 13:40:20 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
I don't know if that's related, but there is a syntax error on your page. There are two action files placed outside the body tag, and tehy must be AFTER the opening body tag:
Also - the link i sent you in my previous post is to preview how google fetches the sites, i.e. what goolge sees - it is not for adding the page in the crawler list.
There might be many reasons fro your pages not being indexed yet - like robots.txt restricting them etc.
Also - the link i sent you in my previous post is to preview how google fetches the sites, i.e. what goolge sees - it is not for adding the page in the crawler list.
There might be many reasons fro your pages not being indexed yet - like robots.txt restricting them etc.
Replied 17 Oct 2018 13:43:57
17 Oct 2018 13:43:57 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
From what i see your site is not indexed at all .. only a couple of pages are, that's not really app connect related.
Replied 22 Oct 2018 09:38:46
22 Oct 2018 09:38:46 Bruce Wilkie replied:
Thanks Teodor. I'll look into the indexing and fix those action files