Explore the Request an Extension


ASP Command

As you probably know, the ASP Command implementation is broken, and has been broken since CS3 was introduced. Yes, that's right, ever since CS3. The last version that actually worked was DW8.

I use ASP Commands to insert, update, or delete database records based on form values passed from another page. Doing it this way allows me to validate the form data server-side, then insert, edit, or delete database rows in multiple tables.

Can you write an extension that mimicks the capabilites of the ASP Command implementation (back when it actually worked)? It's been a real pain to constantly switch back and forth from DW8 to the current version with better CSS tools... I'd be happy to provide screen shots and/or code samples generated from a working version.

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Dreamweaver Photo Gallery

I'm looking for a photo gallery extension for Dreamweaver.  I know there are lots to choose from but I need one where viewers can vote on their favourite image.  Does such an extension already exist for Dreamweaver?

This is a link to a site I came acroos which has the same idea: http://arizonaguide.com/experience-and-share/photo-contest/vote


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Have need for fix of Frontpage Extensions form captcha

Have an old website I did long ago for a good friend who needs to stop the bots from dumping spam on his form. Any help or suggestions appreciated.

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Shopping Cart

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Form Captcha

Hi yea,
Any sign of a Dynamic form Captcha that would would with your form validation extension.



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