Smart Image Processor ASP 2 Support Product Page
display thumbnails images on a page
Asked 01 Jan 2014 03:30:58
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01 Jan 2014 03:30:58 Mr. em posted:
I am little confuse, looking around trying to understand, I want to display the thumbnails images on a page like: "image_thumb.jpg" how do I do this with SP2, I know with SP1 you could have done it by selecting the image and from the server format you select and apply dmxZone - Thumbnail, how do I do it with SP2 lost hereDW CS 6 & ASP/VB Window 2003

Replied 06 Jan 2014 11:02:04
06 Jan 2014 11:02:04 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
It is as simple as using the recordset binding for the image, adding the prefix/suffix you are using. For example:
It is as simple as using the recordset binding for the image, adding the prefix/suffix you are using. For example:
<img src="thumb_<?php echo $row_Recordset1['image']; ?>" />
Replied 11 Apr 2014 04:49:14
11 Apr 2014 04:49:14 Mr. em replied:
I have over 20,000 image all names name_thumb.jpg
your code looks like it starts with prefix thumb_name.jpg
can you give me the code in ASP so I can do it with suffix option please
your code looks like it starts with prefix thumb_name.jpg
can you give me the code in ASP so I can do it with suffix option please
Replied 27 Feb 2015 01:38:35
27 Feb 2015 01:38:35 Steve Skinner replied:
I would like to know how to do this as well. How do you display thumbnails where the suffix of the file name carries the thumbnail indicator?
Replied 12 Mar 2015 15:31:57
12 Mar 2015 15:31:57 Mr. em replied:
can you write the sample code above in ASP and make sure image _thum.jpg _thumb is a suffix no a prefix
Replied 12 Mar 2015 15:45:27
12 Mar 2015 15:45:27 Steve Skinner replied:
I would prefer to be able to save the thumbnail to a database field, just as is being done for the main image. In my opinion, that would be the better solution.