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Autocomplete with error on table ?!

Reported 23 Apr 2009 21:11:25
has this problem
23 Apr 2009 21:11:25 Andreas Knapp posted:

also i have DW CS4 with SQL Server 2005 on a Windows Server 2008.
Here is a table called "T_PLZ05idnr02" there is some rows looks like this:

In english:
IDNR Postalcode Townname Bordername
In german at my sql2005 database table
IDNR PLZ Gemeindename Kreisname
some rows:
1 15236 Frankfurt Frankfurt (Oder)
2 65936 Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main

my autocomplete.asp looks like this:

Dim sTable
sTable = "dbo.T_PLZ05idnr02"
Dim sPrimary
sPrimary = "Gemeindename"
Dim sOptional
sOptional = "PLZ"

if i make this i will get TWO rows on the input textfield for my website. this is "Frankfurt" with 15236 PLZ and also "Frankfurt" with 65936 PLZ.

i make this in the autocomplete:

Dim sTable
sTable = "dbo.T_PLZ05idnr02"
Dim sPrimary
sPrimary = "Gemeindename"
Dim sOptional
sOptional = "Kreisname"

i will get O N L Y the "Frankfurt" with 65936 PLZ in the drop-down-menue from autocomplete....WHY

I dont understand...i tried something in the autocomplete-Site010-asp-1.asp but nothing will help !!!!???

- Should i sent the orginal files via eMail?
- But i have nothing special done. only changes the database-fields from PLZ to Kreisname.

here is the rest of the information for this:

%'--jszone (DO NOT REMOVE THIS)

Dim sTable
sTable = "dbo.T_PLZ05idnr02"
Dim sPrimary
sPrimary = "Gemeindename"
Dim sOptional
sOptional = "Kreisname"

'--jszone (DO NOT REMOVE THIS)

Dim Sql
Dim rsXml
Dim rsXml_cmd
Dim sString, nLimit, sContains, sLike, aOptionals

Dim arrOptinal

sString = ""
If (Request.QueryString("q") <> "") Then 
  sString = Request.QueryString("q")
End If

nLimit = 5
If (Request.QueryString("limit") <> "") Then 
  nLimit = CLng(Request.QueryString("limit"))
End If

if sOptional <> "" then
	sOptional = "," & sOptional
end if

sContains = ""
If (Request.QueryString("mc") <> "") Then 
  sContains = "%"
End If

sLike = ""
sLike = sPrimary & " LIKE '" & sContains & Replace(sString,"'","''") & "%'"
If (Request.QueryString("sa") <> "") and sOptional <> "" Then 
  aOptionals = Split(sOptional,",")
  for ai = 1 to UBOUND(aOptionals)
    sLike = sLike & " OR " & aOptionals(ai) & " LIKE '" & sContains & Replace(sString,"'","''") & "%'"
End If

Sql = "SELECT "
if nLimit > 0 then
	Sql = Sql & " TOP " & nLimit & " "
End if
Sql = Sql & sPrimary & sOptional &  " FROM " & sTable & "  WHERE " & sLike

Set rsXml_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
rsXml_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_conDBAKi201_STRING
rsXml_cmd.CommandText = Sql
rsXml_cmd.Prepared = true

Set rsXml = rsXml_cmd.Execute

Response.ContentType = "text/plain"

if not rsXml.EOF then
	Response.Write rsXml.GetString(,,"|",vbCRLF,"")
end if

Set rsXml = Nothing

and in the Site010.asp:
       <input name="Ort" id="Ort" type="text" class="InputOrtAC" tabindex="2"  onFocus="MM_changeProp('Ort','','backgroundColor','#C7DFFF','Ort')" onFocusout="MM_changeProp('Ort','','backgroundColor','#FFFFFF','Ort')"/>
        <script type='text/javascript'>
function() {
	opacity : .7,
	delay : 100,
	autoFill : true,
	multiple : false,
	minChars : 3,
	max : 10,
	searchAll : true,
	matchContains : true,
	highlightClass : 'ac_highlight',
	inputClass : 'ac_input',
	loadingClass : 'ac_loading',
	resultsClass : 'ac_results',
	fxShow : { type:'slide' },
	fxHide : { type:'slide' }


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