Advanced CSS Animator Support Product Page


Behavior Connector doesn't work anymore after latest update - DW CS4 and CS5 crashing

Reported 19 Apr 2012 16:02:28
has this problem
19 Apr 2012 16:02:28 Willi Schneider posted:
Hi DMX-team

I've just updated to the new version. Now, when I try to use the behavior connector DW CS4 and CS5 immediately crashes.
I've had this problem earlier and got it fixed by completely uninstalling all (!) of my extensions and then recreate the configuration folders from scratch. Now, after the update to the new CSS Animator that happens again, so I think there might be a problem with the 1.06 update.
Is this a known issue? Are there any solutions yet?

Please advise.



P.S: Following is the error code:
AppName: dreamweaver.exe AppVer: ModName: mfc90u.dll
ModVer: 9.0.30729.4137 Offset: 00213251


Replied 20 Apr 2012 06:23:25
20 Apr 2012 06:23:25 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Willi.

Can you tell us which behavior you tried to apply when the crash appears ?

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 20 Apr 2012 08:34:19
20 Apr 2012 08:34:19 Willi Schneider replied:
Hi Vulcho

Thanks for coming back so fast.

The crash appears as soon as the behavior connector GUI loads. No matter which extension I want to add a behavior.
The reason I posted this in the CSS Animator forum is just, that I did not have the problem before upgrading to 1.06.


Replied 20 Apr 2012 08:54:52
20 Apr 2012 08:54:52 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Willi did you tried to clear your DW cache file yet ?

Clearing Dreamweaver's cache

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 20 Apr 2012 09:07:30
20 Apr 2012 09:07:30 Willi Schneider replied:
Hi Vulcho

Yes. Believe it or not, I'm clearing the DW cache file everytime I start DW. Seemed to be running much more stable...
Replied 20 Apr 2012 09:10:00
20 Apr 2012 09:10:00 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Willi,

Do you have the security assist/form toolkit extensions from Webassist installed?
Replied 20 Apr 2012 09:53:05
20 Apr 2012 09:53:05 Willi Schneider replied:
Hi Teodor

Yes, I have Security Assist and other Webassist extensions installed, too.
Replied 20 Apr 2012 10:21:33
20 Apr 2012 10:21:33 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Willi can you try to remove the Security Assist extension , clear DW cache , reinstall the Advanced CSS Animator , and try again to use the behavior connector ?

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 20 Apr 2012 10:51:36
20 Apr 2012 10:51:36 Willi Schneider replied:
Hi Vulcho

o.k. I'll try that now and let you know as soon as I can.


Replied 20 Apr 2012 11:31:23
20 Apr 2012 11:31:23 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Willi

There was some issue with the Form Toolkit/Security assist
It was rashing our behavior connector but i do not know if they fixed this Please check this topic also.
Replied 20 Apr 2012 13:59:15
20 Apr 2012 13:59:15 Willi Schneider replied:
Hi Teodor

I've followed your advice and also uninstalled, then reinstalled the WA extensions, as mentioned in the two links you sent me.
That fixed the issue in CS4.
In CS5 I simply deactivated the WA extensions and then reactivated them successfully.

However, it's not clear to me how and why. There's simply no logical explanation for this. Especially the different methods for CS4 and CS5 are confusing...

Maybe the installing order --> WA after --> CSS Animator could be the reason.

Thank you very much for your help.



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