DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page

findDynamicSources error when trying to apply in new php page.

Reported 22 Jul 2017 17:44:02
has this problem
22 Jul 2017 17:44:02 pAUL KASHBORNE posted:
Full error is
QuoteWhile executing findDynamicSources in Recordset.htm, a Javascript error ocurred

This error came up over the top of the google maps wizard.

When i clicked OK, the following error dialogue appeared;

QuoteWhile executing onLoad in dmxGoogleMaps.htm, the following Javascript errors ocurred:

At line 1095 of the file "Home:UsersaulC:Library:Application Support:Adobereamweaver CC 2017:en_US:Configuration:Commands:dmxGoogleMaps.js@:dList has no properties.

When i click the OK button, the error dialogue dissapears, leaving the Goocle Maps wizard frozen with 'Loading ...' placed in the centre of the wizard dialogue.

If i click the OK button, another error appears;

QuoteWhile executing onClick in dmxGoogleMaps.htm, the following Javascript errors ocurred:

At line 593 of the file "Home:UsersaulC:Library:Application Support:Adobereamweaver CC 2017:en_US:Configuration:Commands:dmxGoogleMaps.js@:LIST_LANGUAGE has no properties.

If i continue to click the OK button on the error alert, which dissapears, and then click the OK button on the Google Maps wizard, I then just cycle through the above errors.

Hope you can offer some advice to correct this.

Thanks, Paul.

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