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input parameter missing with Post
Reported 24 Jan 2018 21:17:01
has this problem
24 Jan 2018 21:17:01 Baub Eis posted:
I am using a macOS Sierra version 10.12.6, I"m using dreamweaver CC 2015for whatever reason If I am trying to pass a query variable into app connect, the ability to assign the value to the query params variable will only show up if it is set to GET, if I have it set to POST it doesn't show up? Is this an error or is this by design and I am missing something somewhere?

Replied 25 Jan 2018 08:22:34
25 Jan 2018 08:22:34 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Baub,
It is only the GET variables which appear there. POST variables are only meant to be used with server connect forms, and when using a server connect form, you import the form fields in the server action, where they get stored under POST vars, so there is no need to define them again on the page.
It is only the GET variables which appear there. POST variables are only meant to be used with server connect forms, and when using a server connect form, you import the form fields in the server action, where they get stored under POST vars, so there is no need to define them again on the page.