App Connect Form Validator Support Product Page

Error Message in Form Validator not showing

Reported 26 Jun 2019 19:35:33
has this problem
26 Jun 2019 19:35:33 KATHLEEN SHURYN posted:
I am applying the form validator to check to see if an existing record is in my database and it is working correctly. However, the error message that I have entered is not showing up below the text field that I have designated. I have entered the error message multiple times and when I look at the ASP file in the api folder this is the code that I see concerning the validator. I do not see the error message listed anywhere in the file which is probably why it is not showing up. Please let me know how I can modify the file to apply an error message.

"exec": {
"steps": [
"name": "validate1",
"module": "validator",
"action": "validate",
"options": {
"data": [
"name": "validate_1",
"value": "{{$_POST.hfValidate}}",
"rules": {
"db:notexists": {
"param": {
"connection": "connSessionFinal3",
"table": "Registrant",
"column": "Validate"
"fieldName": "txtValidate"

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