DNzone.com .NET Community
DNzone was started in June 2002 by George Petrov as a place for .NET developers to come together. Since then it has grown to 83,000 registered members of all abilities and locations, who come together to share knowledge and learn from each other. We are an independent community and are in no way connected with Microsoft.
In November 2003, we launched our very successful Premium Tutorials track, publishing professionally written tutorials by a team of authors for an affordable price every day, as we ourselves were tired of shelling out lots of money for computer books full of redundancy and repetition. This premium track runs alongside the free content submitted by members.
Membership of the community is free. You can view most content on the site without registering, but when you become a member you can add your own articles, tutorials, news items, extensions, opinion polls and participate in the forums. To purchase extensions or download free extensions you need to become a member.
Some quick links: