What this book does and who it’s for
This section of the e-Book is aimed at those of you that are completely new to the jQuery JavaScript library. Dan will take you on a journey to the foundational aspects of the library. These include basic element selection and using methods on jQuery objects.After that he shows you how events are handled within jQuery and how you can detect and react to them in your own web applications. He shows you the methods available to build an effective event solution.
Then he takes a detailed look at the range of CSS tools that come with jQuery. While other components provide essential behaviors for your pages, CSS provides the decoration that adds personality to your pages.
Next take a look at the effects section; this part of the library can really add visual impact and appeal to your pages.
The last chapter of this section he focuses on the suite of Ajax functionality provided by jQuery. Learn how the Ajax methods can be put to good use.

Introducing jQuery
- Foundational Aspects
- Events; Adding Interaction
- A Detailed Look at CSS Tools
- Effects; Adding Visual Impact and Appeal
- jQuery and Ajax
Expanding Content Boxes with jQuery
- Creating a Content Box
- Building Multiple Content Boxes
A Simple Image Viewer with jQuery
- The Basics
- Finalizing the Viewer
Flickr & jQuery, a Match Made in Heaven
- RSS and Flickr
- Finalizing Our Flickr Application
Using jQuery to Create Rounded Corners
- An efficient method for rounded corners
- Adding rounded borders
Storing and Retreiving Data with jQuery, PHP and mySQL
- Configuring a Web Server with PHP and mySQL
- Processing Data