FileGenie Alternating Row Colors Support
How can I use alternating row colors in a FileGenie Repeat?
Using alternate row colors on a FileGenie Repeat works the same as applying alternate row colors on a table. Just place the FileGenie item you wish to repeat in a table. Now you can apply the alternating row colors to the tablerow.
First of place the following code in the top of your page, above the <html> tag. Feel free to edit the colors to your choosing.
' FileGenie Alternate Row Color
Dim FGColor1, FGColor2, FGColor
FGColor1 = "#EEDCEC"
FGColor2 = ""
FGColor = WEColor1
' FileGenie Alternate Row Color
Next, place the following code inside the <tr> tag of the row you'd like to repeat:
' FileGenie Alternate Row Color
Response.Write(" style="'background-color:"" & FGColor & "'")
' FileGenie Alternate Row Color
Last, place the following code after the </tr> tag of the row you'd like to repeat:
' FileGenie Alternate Row Color
if FGColor = FGColor1 then
FGColor = FGColor2
FGColor = FGColor1
end if
' FileGenie Alternate Row Color
That's basically it. Preview the result on a live page and see what happens!
I'd really appreciate your feedback on your results!
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