City Guide Mobile Template Preview

Part of the DMXzone free templates collection

This City Guide template is the perfect base for location tracking websites optimized for handheld devices such as iPhone.


City Guide Demo

Extensions Required

  • DMXzone Google Maps - Add (custom) markers and info windows to your Google Maps dynamically! Choose your addresses or Geo locations from and recordset or other data sources such as Feed Genie.

  • Sliding Menu - With Sliding Menu you can make Menu Items, Menu Labels, Content Pages, Sub Menus and Dynamic Menus.

Software Required

  • Dreamweaver CS+

Teodor Kuduschiev

Teodor KuduschievAs a part of the DMXzone and Wappler team, Teodor has a passion for creative web development, using the latest technologies. He's taking care of showcases, tutorials and support for our community.

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