- Integrated DMXzone Resizer - Resize all your images super fast to a regular size for the DMXzone Supersized. The DMXzone Supersized requires images with the same size for the best effects and the built-in DMXzone Resizer slices and crops your images so they are just as required.

- Preview of images, title and link - Awesome preview of your images, title and link directly in the User Interface. The titles can be also HTML.

- Automatically generated images' names - Auto generate image titles from their file names.

- Cool looking navigation control - Fully stylable with CSS.
- Show Next & Prev Navigation - Displays next & prev navigation buttons.
- Show Play/Pause button - Displays a show/pause button.
- Slides Counter - Displays the number of slides in the slideshow.
- Thumbnails Tray - Generates a list of thumbnails that jump to the corresponding slide.
- Progress Bar - It runs based on the slide interval.
- Thumbnail Navigation - Toggles forward/backward thumbnail navigation. When on, thumbnails from the next/previous posts are generated and can be clicked to navigate.
- Slides Titles - Displays the slides' titles
- Enable Mouse Scrub - The thumbnail list navigates left or right based on the mouse location.
- Allow Keyboard Navigation - Allows controls via keyboard.

- Flexible background image positioning - You can specify the image position to fit your website design.
- Vertical Center - Centers image vertically. When unchecked, the images resize/display top center if horizontal center is also unchecked.
- Fit Always - Prevents the image from ever being cropped. Ignores minimum width and height.
- Horizontal Center - Centers image horizontally. When unchecked, the images resize/display from the left of the page.
- Fit Portrait - Prevents the image from being cropped by locking it at 100% height
- Protect Image - Disables right clicking and image dragging using Javascript.

- Timed transitions on slides - You can specify the duration of the slide and the transitions.

- 7 unique transition effects - You can choose between different transition for your slides, which are fully cross browser compatible and even run on iPhone/iPad.

- Paging Controls - You can chose between different sets of paging controls.

- DMXzone Supersized directly from dynamic sources like a Recordset and an RSS/ATOM Feed fetched with Feed Genie.

- Many CSS editable skins supplied - Select one of the added skins or edit them through the CSS to fit your website perfectly.
- Fully controllable by behaviors - You want to navigate to a specific slide, start or stop the slideshow and even set prev and next actions - it can be easily done with the Control DMXzone Supersized behavior.

- Full support for the DMXzone Behavior Connector - You can easily bind other DMXzone extensions to your slides.

- Great Dreamweaver integration - Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you'll need.