Responsive Hotel Kit

A pack of one hotel template and five DMXzone extensions

Responsive Hotel Kit is an awesome pack of one template and five DMXzone extensions. This absolutely stunning template is what you need if you're currently working on a hotel related website. Of course, it can  be also used for various other businesses due to its simplicity and great user impact. Supplied with a beautiful image slider, fully responsive layout, great navigation and content, it's a perfect starter template if you want to meet the latest design trends.

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DMXzone Bootstrap 3

Next generation perfect site layout in a few minutes

DMXzone Bootstrap 3 is the next generation Dreamweaver extension based on the newest Twitter Bootstrap. Supplied with four grid systems, it's responsive by default and makes it easy to create great-looking web pages and web apps, which are automatically compatible with various devices.

Full support for Bootstrap 3 mobile first design and the dedicated floater gives you a quick access to all the options you need. Additionally, there's an integrated converter that transforms Bootstrap 2 based pages to Bootstrap 3 in seconds.

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DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Elements

37 ready to go and fully customizable elements for Bootstrap 3

DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Elements is the must have add-on if you want to use the full power of DMXzone Bootstrap 3. Its 37 ready to use elements is all you need for designing fully responsive layouts in minutes, directly in your Dreamweaver.

The extension features elements such as tables, forms, buttons, images and icons, and elements for typography, pagination, labels and badges, layouts, thumbnails, progress bars, alerts, media and the brand new list group and panels. All elements are fully customizable through the inspector floating panel and you can choose from various lightweight designs.

You need to have DMXzone Bootstrap 3 installed in Dreamweaver to use Elements!

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DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Navigation

Great Bootstrap 3 Navigation for your website or app

Make your Bootstrap 3 website or app complete with the DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Navigation extension for Dreamweaver. Empower fully responsive navigation for optimal user experience. The extension offers extensive visual management and rendering of your navigations, directly in Dreamweaver Design View. Next to the full management of the navigation you can also specify the visibility of each navigation item, depending on the device that's been viewed on. Included is also automatic active item selection based on scroll position and current page.

You need to have DMXzone Bootstrap 3 installed in Dreamweaver to use Navigation! 

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DMXzone Google Maps 2

Empower full featured Google Maps in Dreamweaver

Unleash the power of Google Maps in just a few clicks. Add markers to cities, addresses, businesses and events with info balloons on interactive, annotated maps and integrate them in your websites! Choose addresses and Geo locations from any feed but also from HTML5 Data Bindings data source and DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP.

Let your visitors browse a dynamic or static map and find what they are looking for as quickly as possible. Enable dynamic tracking and positioning with HTML5 Geo Location so that you can dynamically adjust the center point of the map on which the viewport will be centered.

Change marker images, show rich tooltips, pan to location and tons of other actions, using DMXzone Google Maps 2 control behaviors. These are just a few of the amazing features that you'll find in this Dreamweaver tool.

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HTML5 Slideshow 2

Mind-blowing HTML5 Presentations

Create mind-blowing HTML5 presentation with the HTML5 Slideshow 2. The slideshow photo gallery is built with jQuery, is CSS based and uses HTML5 W3C standard elements like the Canvas and CSS3 Transitions, when available, for the highest animation quality. Choose amazing effects from the famous director, Ken Burns to slowly zoom and pan across your photos, or use the many transitions available. The slideshow includes navigation controls in many styles so it fits your site perfectly.

Along with the great HTML5 Data Bindings integration, you can also use DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP and create dynamic slideshows with ease. 

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Responsive Hotel Template

Part of the free DMXzone templates collection

This absolutely stunning template is what you need if you're currently working on a hotel related website. Of course, it can be also used for various other businesses due to its simplicity and great user impact. Supplied with a beautiful image slider, fully responsive layout, great navigation and content, it's a perfect starter template if you want to meet the latest design trends.

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DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer

Create amazing Bootstrap 3 forms for your website or app

DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer is the next great addition to the Bootstrap 3 family. It is supplied with tons of features, which will help you create amazing forms for your website or application. Each form is fully responsive and easily customizable through the dedicated floating panel.

Make contact, subscription, reservation and various other forms with just a few clicks in Dreamweaver, and offer your users the ultimate experience. You can even give your form inputs dynamic values.

Thanks to the great integration with Bootstrap 3, Elements and Font Awesome you can use all their powers to improve and enhance your forms.

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DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Components

Empower the best Bootstrap 3 Responsive Components

DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Components features six amazing tools, which will help you fit large amounts of content into tiny spaces. Improve the user experience on your website and help your users navigate easier so that they don't get lost. This way you can provide tips and additional info, without overcrowding the page. Keep the design clean and simple for the best impact and results.

The extension includes tabs, accordions, modals, button collapses, tooltips and popovers, which are fully responsive and will fit any Bootstrap page with ease.

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HTML5 Form Validator

The most powerful HTML5 client and server side validation

The goal of web form validation is to ensure that the user provided necessary and properly formatted information needed to successfully complete an operation. The easiest way to achieve this is by using our next generation HTML5 Form Validator. It will give your users the power to avoid mistakes while they're filling out the data. The most common method to warn them is with a message, what they did wrong or hint them what the input should be.

The extension is supplied with 37 validation rules to cover everything from simple e-mail, URL, dates, credit card numbers and ranges to more complicated such as multiple rules for a single input. You can even use your own regular expression rules! HTML5 Form Validator works like a charm with all our server extension and especially with the DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer.

In addition, an iron strong server side validation is automatically done with the tight integration with the DMXzone Server Connect. So there is no escape even if people bypass the browser client side validation, data on the server is always validated!

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George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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