HTML5 Responsive Notify 2 Manual Support
Rich notifications and user alerts
HTML5 Responsive Notify 2 is an excellent extension if you want to inform your users of something important, capture their attention or notify them. The rich notifications allow you to give them feedback on the task that they've completed, about its status, success or failure.
Fully customizable through the CSS, the notify boxes can be styled to fit your website design. With the proper color, the notifies are easy to notice and will draw your users' attention instantly. The appearance of the messages is scaled to match the browser size. Whether it's a desktop or a mobile device browser, the extensions will make it look great no matter what.
You can even retrieve your notifications from a database driven source, because of its HTML5 Data Bindings and DMXzone Database Connector support.
- Rich HTML5 notifications and alerts - Lets you simply inform your users of something important, capture their attention or notify them.
- Provide users with proper feedback
- The rich notifications give your users feedback on the task that
they've completed about status, success or failure. For example, if they
have to provide their email and it's verified as valid they'll receive a
successful message. If not, a different one to point out their mistake
will be shown.
- Different designs for the notifications
- Fully customizable through the CSS, the notify boxes can be styled to
fit your website design. With the proper color, the notifies are easy
to notice and will draw your users' attention instantly.
- Key positioning - To make sure your users notice the notification right away you can position it anywhere you'd like on your website.
- Responsive notifies -
The appearance of the messages is scaled to match the browser size.
Whether it's a desktop or a mobile device browser, the extensions will
make it look great no matter what.
- Mobile integration - Due to its responsiveness, the notifies fit and appear awesomely on any mobile device, tablet or smart phone.
- Notification title and content - If you want to improve your notification messages with links, images and other styling you can use the power of HTML.
- Dynamic notifies - You
can retrieve your notifications from a database driven source, because
of the support for HTML5 Data Bindings and DMXzone Database Connector.
- Beautiful animation effects - Allow your message boxes to fade in or out with different transitions and duration time for a greater user experience.
- Great Dreamweaver integration
- Last but definitely not least, the HTML5 Responsive Notify 2 has a
great interactive dialogue in Dreamweaver with all the options you'll
Type: Behavior
Product: Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CC+
George Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.
George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder
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