Server Behaviors Browser

This Floater shows all used Server Behaviors in a nice order!


You show this floater by choose it from the Windows menu


Type: Floater
Product: UltraDev 4

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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What is it? Or more to the point : Where is it?

February 12, 2008 by Howard Walker Walker

I downloaded this extension, installed it on the second attempt, and the instructions were "use it from the Windows menu."

Well I searched high and low and can find no changes in my Windows menu. So my revue is as follows:

If you cannot find it it is impossible to review. The instructions should be clearer and more explicit and in correct English. Free or otherwise.

Rating (scale 0-10 where 10 is good)

Usability 0

Purpose  0

Instructions 0

Value for money 0

Overall rating 0

Until someone tells me where to look.

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