HTML5 Form Validator Manual

March 2, 2016
Applying VAT Number Validation to your Forms
Applying VAT Number Validation to your Forms

With this movie we will show you how to apply VAT validation to your forms, using HTML5 Form Validator.

Step by Step

We will show you how to apply VAT validation, to your forms using HTML5 Form Validator. We created a form, and we'd like to make sure, that the VAT number which is entered is correct. Click the HTML5 Form Validator icon (1). Then, click your form (2). And check the validate form checkbox. Select the form field, where the VAT number will be entered (3). And click the, add new validation rule button (4). Open the numbers menu. And select VAT (5).

You can customize the default error message if needed. then, add the validation rules, required for the rest of the form fields. And click the save button, when you are done.

Now let's preview the results. Let's enter our company name and then, our VAT number and the rest, of the form fields. When a valid number is entered the validation goes well and we are allowed to submit the form. That's how easy it is, to apply VAT number validation, to your form using HTML5 Form Validator.