DMXzone Database Connector 2 Support

Connect to your database and build database queries visually

Access any well known database without any SQL and PHP knowledge in Dreamweaver! This is what the DMXzone Database Connector 2 is all about! Fully integrated visual tools and server code generation are available at your disposal! The extension features a built-in connection wizard where you can define and manage your connections to all well known databases. Choose from ready to go connections for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and many others!

DMXzone Database Connector 2 comes with a totally revamped UI, new database connection wizard, improved query builder and speed improvements. It will allow you to create really advanced queries, use the long anticipated visual nested query conditions builder and much more, all of this thanks to the development we've done with Wappler and its amazing community!

DMXzone Database Connector 2 supports PHP, ASP and ASP.NET and all the major database types, like - MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite and more.

This extension requires DMXzone App Connect and DMXzone Server Connect
- OR -


No coding required

Integrated visual tools and server code generation

Database connection wizard

The Database Connection Wizard supports all the major database types, like - MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite and more

Visual database query builder

Build advanced queries fully visually using the integrated query builder

Support for PHP, ASP and ASP.NET

A single extension which offers support for PHP, ASP and ASP.NET server technologies

Complex Conditions

Build advanced complex conditions such as nested group of rules

Server-side paging

Native paging techniques, specific for each database

SQL Aggregate Functions

The following functions are available: COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM so you can perform calculations on your sets of values

Server Connect integration

DMXzone Database Connector 2 integrates fully in Server Connect


Visual Query Builder

The included visual query designer allows you to build your queries and generate SQL queries fully visual. Just select the table, add columns, adjust filtering and sorting options and you are done!

Server Connect Integration

DMXzone Database Connector 2 integrates fully in Server Connect, where you can define your database connection and create your Database Queries.

Database Connection Wizard

The Database Connection Wizard supports all the major database types, like - MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite and more, so you can visually connect to your database without any SQL knowledge.

Support for PHP, ASP and ASP.NET

DMXzone Database Connector 2 is a single extension, which supports PHP, ASP and ASP.NET server technologies, so you can work on multiple projects using different server types!

Database Query Builder

The integrated Database Query Builder comes with full database schema reading support, automatic SQL generator, automatic data types conversion, full data type validation and enforcement and easy table and column pickup.You can see the generated SQL query directly in the Query Builder dialog.

Complex Conditions

You can build advanced complex conditions such as nested group of rules. You can conditionally enable or disable these rules only when a certain condition is met.

Server-side Paging

Create paged queries without the need to do any weird, database specific SQL magic here. DMXzone Database Connector 2 knows all the various SQL Databases and uses a specific paging technique specific to that database.

Database Single Query

You can create a database query which returns a single record. That’s really useful in cases where you filter your data and expect a single result to be returned, like retrieving the logged in user info - so no complicated repeats are required.

Query Sorting

You can sort your query by specific columns and you can control the sort options using dynamic conditions.

Table Joins

SQL joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables. The Database Connector 2 features inner, left and right joins where you can add more than one table to the Database Source Query Builder.

SQL Aggregate Functions

The following functions are available: COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM so you can perform calculations on your sets of values.


The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct (different) values. Inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate values; and sometimes you only want to list the different (distinct) values.


Product: Dreamweaver CC 2015+

For PHP: PHP 5.3+ and PHP PDO

For ASP: Web server with ASP support



Version 2.3.1

  • Latest updates thanks to the great Wappler community

Version 2.2.0

  • Allow easily to change the Query Type between Multiple Records, Single Record or Paged Records
  • Support for the new Database Custom Query
  • Latest JSON parser for ASP.NET

Version 2.1.0

The new DMXzone Database Connector 2 comes with a totally revamped UI, new database connection wizard, improved query builder and speed improvements. It will allow you to create really advanced queries, use the long anticipated visual nested query conditions builder and much more, all of this thanks to the development we've done with Wappler and its amazing community!

DMXzone Database Connector 2 is a single extension, which supports 3 different server technologies - PHP, ASP and ASP.NET and all the major database types, like - MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite and more.

With great new features like:

  • Visual Query Builder
  • Server Connect Integration
  • Database Connection Wizard
  • Support for PHP, ASP and ASP.NET
  • Complex Conditions
  • Server-side Paging
  • Database Single Query
  • Query Sorting
  • Table Joins
  • SQL Aggregate Functions

and so much more!

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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