Upload renaming Permissions

June 3, 2002 by Charles Tysklind
I can't seem to get IIS to allow me to rename the image. Tells me permision denied. Can anyone help me with this. I have given full control to the folder I'm uploading to and still get the error

Renaming with date and time

June 11, 2003 by Marco Aramburo

If i want to rename the file with the current date and time what i have to do?

i tryed date(), <%= date() %>, response.write date(), and i can get this work

for the php version it seems easy

June 2, 2004 by Greta Garberini
I wanted a prefix dynamically added to the filename. I had to upload 2 pdf files and 1 soundfile for my composer list. Each composer had a unique ID. So it was easy: $HTTP_GET_VARS['compID']."_##name##.##ext##" If you store it in one directory, its very helpful if you can distinguish files like that. Example result for 2 pdf files and 1 mp3: 56_Michel_Sarasate_Lyrics_eng.pdf 56_Michel_Sarasate_Lyrics_fra.pdf 56_Michel_Sarasate_-_Besame_Mucho.mp3 I like this extension. Its well done and with php works like a breeze.

2 uploads with different names

December 15, 2005 by troy hipolito

How do I upload 2 different images with different names.

Like image1 could be: "Large+<%=(rec_getorder.Fields.Item("port_order").Value +1)%>.##ext##"

Image 2 could be: "Small+<%=(rec_getorder.Fields.Item("port_order").Value +1)%>.##ext##"

Thanks for any help.