
June 9, 2006 by Eduardo Valenzuela
Did someone find it?

Auto Hide Address Bar or Mask web address

June 9, 2006 by Angus Robertson

3 years and still waiting !!!



i did find it

August 3, 2006 by hisham othman

Hey, i just find a solution,

i think you have to purchase a domain name and mask it by forwarding it the your main domain name,

and that's it, when you hit the new domain name, it will forward you to your main site, and the address will not change.

Good Luck

My 2 cents

January 1, 2007 by Rosie Riveter
See if this helps you... You've waited 3 years, figured I would give my 2 cents. Also, I used BugMeNot to login... too lazy to register, so I don't know who's account this is. Good luck!