Won't work

September 18, 2003 by Alan Dargan

Default image wo'nt work

May 1, 2004 by Buster Smith

Ca'nt get this script to work please explain

This works!

January 17, 2005 by Rups the ruler
PHP doesn't accept the $row_myRecordset['ImageFileName'] Dreamweaver makes. If you declare it first: $ImageFileName = $row_myRecordset['ImageFileName'] and put the $ImageFileName in the IMG SRC it works (in this case with a thumbnail): "") { echo(""); } else { // no image echo ""; } ?>

This works (See above)

May 25, 2005 by Rups the ruler
I can't post php code somehow. I'll try again; declare the $imageFileName first and put the $imageFileName in the IMG SRC tags instead of the /upload/$row_myRecordset['ImageFileName'] in the code George provided. Trying to put php here again: ### "") { echo(""); } else { // no image echo ""; } ?>###