Progress Bar for Pure PHP Upload
An additional progress bar feature that would show, in addition to the graphic, the number of bytes (or KB or MB) transferred and those remaining. And/Or times would be a useful addition.
The progress bars in Pure PHP Upload is an excellent feature.
This feature would be materially enhanced by the addition of text showing the bytes (or KB or MB) tranferred and those remaining. Additionally, times - used - remaining - would be nifty.
seems impossible
well we were looking at this already - but it seems impossible to make because PHP handles the file uploads it self and the PHP scripts get control after the files have been imploaded. So there is unfortunately currently no way how to implement such a real time progress bar.
There is hope when PHP 5 comes out - file uploads can be tracked then - so hang on for a while :)
Why not use flash to do the work
RE: Why not use flash to do the work
RE: seems impossible
actualy it is not so imposible
even more I did it ... ;-) just a small patch to PHP, recompile, and it works!
now, i have to write a small script to display the actual progress metter to the user, and make it reload every second or so ...
i found this forum while looking for a module already done ... and thought to let you guys know that it can be done with php 4
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