Not an acceptable answer.

July 15, 2005 by Joel Rea
This basically makes the $$$ that we spent on your product (one of the bundles, not just the HTML Editor, but the other parts are useless without the Editor) a total waste. We have a Web design that REQUIRES an EXTERNAL CSS file that defines the BODY tag, including positioning and a fixed-scroll background image. Your workaround is inapplicable to us. The background image is such that no text can possibly be read over it (all text areas of the pages are in opaque DIVs which have their own background colors). Do you have any other solution? Any code that we can change within AdvHTMLEdit.js? We absolutely, positiviely have to do this, and now! Site is supposed to go live Monday! Suggestion for next maintenance version: a checkbox for whether you want BODY Background styles applied to the editor.