Yeah I got bitten by that one!

May 11, 2001 by Nic Skitt

I assume its the same hackers doing most of the sites. The Anti USA message is created as a series of default pages in your main web root and then in any subdirectory below it. I was not aware of root.exe before this hack happened. It gives the hacker a great deal of control over the machine running it. They could do a lot more damage than what they did. I immediatly removed root.exe when I discovered the problem. If you are unsure if you have been hacked, open your web logs and do a search for "root.exe"


I did a traceroute on the offending IP and it traced back to a location in China. This may be a spook of some sort, it looks like someone is trying to start trouble between the two countries.


All a bit childish.

