Mini-review & Competition: YUI 2.8: Learning the Library

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The book is a tutorial, leading the reader first through the basics of the YUI library before moving on to more complex examples involving the YUI controls and utilities. The book is heavily example driven, and based around an approach of tinkering and extending to improve. It's for web developers comfortable with JavaScript and CSS, who want to use the YUI library to easily put together rich, responsive web interfaces. No knowledge of the YUI library is presumed.


In Detail

The YUI Library is a set of utilities and controls written in JavaScript for building Rich Internet Applications, across all major browsers and independently of any server technology. There's a lot of functionality baked into YUI, but getting to and understanding that functionality is not for the faint of heart. This book gives you a clear picture of YUI through a step-by-step approach, packed with lots of examples.

YUI 2.8: Learning the Library covers all released (non-beta) components of the YUI 2.8 Library in detail with plenty of working examples, looking at the classes that make up each component and the properties and methods that can be used. It includes a series of practical examples to reinforce how each component should/can be used, showing its use to create complex, fully featured, cross-browser, Web 2.0 user interfaces. It has been updated from its first edition with the addition of several chapters covering several new controls and enriched with lots of experience of using them.

You will learn to create a number of powerful JavaScript controls that can be used straightaway in your own applications. Besides giving you a deep understanding of the YUI library, this book will expand your knowledge of object-oriented JavaScript programming, as well as strengthen your understanding of the DOM and CSS. The final chapter describes many of the tools available to assist you the developer in debugging, maintaining, and ensuring the best quality in your code.

In this new edition, all the examples have been updated to use the most recent coding practices and style and new ones added to cover newer components. Since the basic documentation for the library is available online, the focus is on providing insight and experience.

The authors take the reader from beginner to advanced-level YUI usage and understanding.

The beginner to advanced-level guide for understanding the YUI library

In this book you will learn

  • Explore the YUI Library's utilities, controls, core files, and CSS tools
  • Install the library and get up and running with it
  • Handle DOM manipulation and scripting
  • Get inside Event Handling with YUI
  • Create consistent web pages using YUI CSS tools
  • Use rich user interface controls
  • Communicate with external sources of data
  • Debug, maintain, and update applications

Summary of Content

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with YUI
  • Chapter 2: Creating Consistency with the CSS Tools
  • Chapter 3: DOM Manipulation and Event Handling
  • Chapter 4: Calling Back Home
  • Chapter 5: Animation, the Browser History Manager and Cookies
  • Chapter 6: Content Containers and Tabs
  • Chapter 7: Menus
  • Chapter 8: Buttons and Trees
  • Chapter 9: DataSource and AutoComplete
  • Chapter 10: DataTable
  • Chapter 11: Rich Text Editor
  • Chapter 12: Drag-and-Drop with YUI
  • Chapter 13: Everyday Tools

Who is this book for?

This book is for web developers comfortable with JavaScript and CSS, who want to use the YUI library to easily put together rich, responsive web interfaces. No knowledge of the YUI library is presumed.


We've got a brand new mini-review and competition of YUI 2.8: Learning the Library. Our friends from Packt Publishing are giving away 5 books!

All you need to do, to enter the competition is, download and read the sample PDF and finish the following sentence:

"The last member of the menu family is the ..., which creates a horizontal application-style ...."

Send your answer to this e-mail address, before Wednesday the 11th of August 2010. Don't forget to include your post address and phone number (required for international shipping) in the e-mail.

Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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