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CSS Image Gallery Support Product Page

No nav arrows and JavaScript error messages

Reported 13 Oct 2010 06:52:39
has this problem
13 Oct 2010 06:52:39 Mary Konczyk posted:
Hello all,

I'm using Dreamweaver MX2004, Extension Manager 1.6, Firefox 3.6.9 and Safari 5.0; Mac OS 10.5.8

The navigation arrows for the gallery do not display in Dreamweaver, or on the browsers.

I'm getting error dialog boxes that say:

While executing inspectSelection in dmxCSSImgGal.htm the following Java Script errors occurred:
At line 57 of file "[...]Macromedia Dreamweaver MX2004:Configuration:SharedMXzone:CSSImageGallery:dmxCSSImgGal_libjs

TypeError: SLIDE_LINK has no properties

And a second inspectSelection notification for the same file:

uncaught exception 'sLinkTarget'is an unknown node. Please check to make sure the node name is spelled correctly.

Any tips on how to troubleshoot this?
I don't know Java Script, so I could parse that line and node name til kingdom come and I wouldn't be able to figure out the problem!



Replied 16 Oct 2010 18:27:48
16 Oct 2010 18:27:48 Mary Konczyk replied:
Well, after an email support request last week and a post on the forum, the crickets are getting really loud.

I was hoping to take advantage of the extension sale and try some more extensions - but I won't be doing that now when the one I bought isn't working!
Replied 22 Oct 2010 01:14:27
22 Oct 2010 01:14:27 Mark Margolis replied:
I am using Dreamweaver CS4 - when I just installed the CSS Gallery - when I go to start the CSS Gallery I put in my Image Folder & Destination - I get the following Javascript Error: at line 464 of file "Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobereamweaver CS4:Configuration:SharedMXzoneMX:Components:UI:ImageResizer.js:theObj.optionshas no properties Anyone know what to do about this - There is absolutely no support available, no one answers the phone, Live Support is Offline - I am very upset!!!
Replied 22 Oct 2010 05:54:55
22 Oct 2010 05:54:55 Mary Konczyk replied:
Still no help or even a reply from DMXzone. I tried the steps on the Adobe JavaScript Errors/ Dreamweaver page, but they didn't work.

I'd feel better if I got even a courtesy "Be patient, we're working on known issues" from somebody.

I had sooo many better things I could have used that hundred and twenty bucks on!
Replied 22 Oct 2010 09:57:50
22 Oct 2010 09:57:50 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Mark,

I've sent you an email earlier this morning.

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