CSS Image Gallery Support Product Page

Thumbnails Not Appearing

Asked 09 Mar 2011 00:35:08
has this question
09 Mar 2011 00:35:08 Heather V posted:
I would like to know how I can get the thumbnails to appear using the same folder as the images folder? I currently have this:

<?php do { ?>
<h3><?php echo $row_getPics['category']; ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $row_getPics['caption']; ?></p>
<img src="images/photogallery/<?php echo $row_getPics['filename']; ?>" class="image" alt="" /></li>
<?php } while ($row_getPics = mysql_fetch_assoc($getPics)); ?>
<div class="dmxThumbList" id="cssGallery1_thumb">
<?php do { ?>
<li><img src="images/photogallery/<?php echo $row_getPics['filename']; ?>" alt="" /></li>
<?php } while ($row_getPics = mysql_fetch_assoc($getPics)); ?>

using the same folder to have the thumbnails appear. Can this not work? Or MUST there be a thumbs folder?
Edited by - Heather V on 09 Mar 2011  00:36:18

Edited by - Heather V on 09 Mar 2011  00:36:51


Replied 09 Mar 2011 10:41:04
09 Mar 2011 10:41:04 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Heather,

You need second recordset.

Replied 09 Mar 2011 20:04:41
09 Mar 2011 20:04:41 Heather V replied:
Thank you. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it to work. Now I have a problem with the thumbnails not appear at all.

I've added the Smart Image Processor with the Adv. Multi Uploader and it created thumbnails for me of the original image in the subfolder 'thumbs'.

The thumbnails don't seem to be appearing in the thumbnail view within the CSS Gallery, but the images do just fine:

<div class="dmxGallery" id="cssGallery1" style="margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 20px;">
<?php do { ?>
<h3><?php echo $row_getPics['category']; ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $row_getPics['caption']; ?></p>
<img src="images/photogallery/<?php echo $row_getPics['filename']; ?>" class="image" alt="" /></li>
<?php } while ($row_getPics = mysql_fetch_assoc($getPics)); ?>
<div class="dmxThumbList" id="cssGallery1_thumb">
<?php do { ?>
<li><img src="images/photogallery/thumbs/<?php echo $row_getPics['filename']; ?>" alt="" /></li>
<?php } while ($row_getPics = mysql_fetch_assoc($getPics)); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
  // <![CDATA[
         {width:600, thumbWidth:90, thumbHeight:90, playerDelay:5, autosize:false, captionOpacity:90}
  // ]]>

Source code shows:

<div class="dmxGallery" id="cssGallery1" style="margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 20px;">
<img src="images/photogallery/IMG_0158.JPG" class="image" alt="" /></li>
<img src="images/photogallery/IMG_0155.JPG" class="image" alt="" /></li>
<div class="dmxThumbList" id="cssGallery1_thumb">

<li><img src="images/photogallery/thumbs/" alt="" /></li>
<script type="text/javascript">
  // <![CDATA[
         {width:600, thumbWidth:90, thumbHeight:90, playerDelay:5, autosize:false, captionOpacity:90}
  // ]]>

Replied 10 Mar 2011 07:48:00
10 Mar 2011 07:48:00 Heather V replied:
Rookie move of mine: you were right. I needed a second record set. Sorry!
Replied 12 Jun 2023 16:20:45
12 Jun 2023 16:20:45 Xide Yix replied:
Pokemon Fusion is a fan-made concept that combines two or more Pokemon to create a new, hybrid creature. Fans use online tools and software to create their own unique fusions and share them with others in the community.

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