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Asked 10 Feb 2023 04:53:27
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10 Feb 2023 04:53:27 Antono Huan posted:
Hi all. I've been wondering for a very long time, what is the benefit of a moving chair?


Replied 10 Feb 2023 04:54:23
10 Feb 2023 04:54:23 Jerman Hlopino replied:
Hi friend. It helps strengthen the muscles of the back and spine, relieves static stress on the joints, ligaments and tendons, and improves circulation to expel waste products. Thus, a dynamic, ergonomic CoreChair https://corechair.com/what-is-a-healthy-chair-and-when-is-it-especially-needed/ sitting position results in improved posture, core stability and circulation. I hope my recommendation helps you

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