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What do you know about the review Master Spas law services?

Asked 19 May 2023 20:50:01
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19 May 2023 20:50:01 User  posted:
Hello, tell me if it is worth dealing with the review Master Spas law services, I compared various companies with this one and I think that it is the best among all, what do you think? Are there people who have used their services? Thank you!


Replied 20 May 2023 04:17:28
20 May 2023 04:17:28 Daniel O'brian replied:
From the minute I walked in the door, it was very high pressure sales. Magfast reviews, uncomfortable pressure and in-your-face stats/tactics talking about the competition and how they're "better". It felt dirty, smarmy. Then the owner came over and actually said "We can give you a great price today! Or we can charge you full price when you come back - we like that too!

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