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DMXzone Lightbox Support Product Page


Creating Lightbox Gallery with a Single Thumbnail not working

Reported 19 Apr 2010 05:30:06
has this problem
19 Apr 2010 05:30:06 Laurence Stewart posted:
I can't seem to get this working on a live server. It appears that I am doing everything correctly in DW CS3. After I follow all the steps in the video I can see the "starter" thumbnail on my page and all the other gallery images are hidden. When I upload everything to my server the starter image doesn't show. In Chrome and IE I get a broken image link which triggers the Lightbox. Then everything works and displays perfectly including the starter image. In Firefox nothing displays and there is no hotspot to trigger the Lightbox. All the images are up on the server where they should be. The image that the browser can't seem to find is actually there. You can see the page here: Any insight would be appreciated.


Replied 19 Apr 2010 10:03:45
19 Apr 2010 10:03:45 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Laurence,

Check out the image on following location :
seems this one is missing or cannot be loaded because of something.

Replied 19 Apr 2010 19:50:48
19 Apr 2010 19:50:48 Laurence Stewart replied:
Thanx Miroslav. That solved the problem but raised another one. I spent a lot of time verifying that the thumbnail was actually there. The problem was that the subdirectory "thumbs" was spelled two different ways: in my site it was spelled with a capital "T"; in the code it was spelled with a lower case "t". Both are generated by Lightbox, so how could that happen? I changed the href on the starter thumbnail to reflect the way it was spelled on my site and it worked fine. I then looked at the thumbnail spelling on the hidden thumbnails and they too were spelled with a lower case "t". I guess that is not a problem since they are never referred to anywhere in the code. I turned 67 on Friday so I guess my elderly brain could be breaking down, but...????

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