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DMXzone Lightbox Support Product Page

Lightbox will not open with parent or top setting

Asked 14 Feb 2011 21:36:46
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14 Feb 2011 21:36:46 David volle posted:
I created a page (page.asp) with a single iframe, the content of the iframe contains a page (inner.asp) with a link that opens a dmxLightBox, if I open inner.asp by itself the lightbox works fine, when I open page.asp that displays inner.asp the link for the lightbox does nothing.

I set the context to current it works but opens inside the iframe of course, however if set to parent or top the lightbox does not work.

Any ideas?


Replied 15 Feb 2011 13:20:00
15 Feb 2011 13:20:00 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello David,

Could you, please, provide a link to a test page of that issue?


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