DMXzone Lightbox Support Product Page

Refresh Parent page when Lighbox opens?

Asked 19 Aug 2011 00:28:25
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19 Aug 2011 00:28:25 Bobby Edgar posted:
I am setting up a website and I'm using Lighbox that launches when a form is submitted. The form is in a DIV and I was wondering if it's possible to refresh the page when the Lighbox opens?

Here's the page I'm working on and if you look at the "Create an Account" and click either button, then enter a zipcode, the lightbox opens. I would like the page behind the Lightbox to refresh so the divs return to their starting points.

Thanks for your help,



Replied 19 Aug 2011 14:22:16
19 Aug 2011 14:22:16 Bobby Edgar replied:
I guess I'm getting better at this stuff. I figured it out. I just added a show/hide elements functions "onSubmit" that restores all of the divs to their original state.

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