DMXzone Lightbox Support Product Page


Problem with jquery-latest.pack.js and lightbox vs AHE3

Asked 17 Feb 2012 10:53:27
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17 Feb 2012 10:53:27 Phil Boyle posted:
I am using AHE3 and lightbox on the same webite and both need jquery-latest.pack.js the lightbox version 1.0.12 puts in version 1.4.4 but AHE3 inserts 1.6.3(this doesn't work in Mozilla 10.0.1 or IE7) they both work with the older version but I concerned about future compatability. When I upgrade my client's to the newest version of AHE3 it will reinsert 1.6.3 so I'm thinking of just renaming jquery-latest.pack.js 1.4.4 and changing the link with the page with the lightbox on it.

Unless you have another solution or suggestions.
ps : do I still need to remove an old extension before installing a new one. or can I just press update in cs5.5 extension manager. I've emailed this question several times and had no reply.


Replied 17 Feb 2012 11:13:51
17 Feb 2012 11:13:51 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

Please delete your ScriptLibrary folder , and insert the extensions again , in order for them to recreate the files needed. The lattest version of Lightbox , also uses Jquery 1.6.3

Regards: Vulcho
Replied 19 Feb 2012 22:06:57
19 Feb 2012 22:06:57 Phil Boyle replied:
Hi Vulcho
Thanks for getting back to me . I tried all that and still it doesn't work. I don't know if it makes a difference but my version installs 1.6.2. It sort of works in Chrome, it really doesn't in mozilla, did work in IE7 but haven't tested IE8.

Here is a link to a html copy of page with the problem the links with the lightbox are see the video and where to buy.

1. This one here has the jquery-latest.pack.js 1.6.2

2. This one has jquery-latest.pack.js 1.3.2

This page is only html and nivo slideshow and the lightbox.

If you have any further ideas as to what I could try please let me know.
Replied 20 Feb 2012 07:45:32
20 Feb 2012 07:45:32 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.
I noticed , that your nivo-slider is not our product and uses Jquery 1.4.4 version.

Regards : Vulcho
This reply was removed on 2/20/2012 7:45:50 AM.
See the changelog
Replied 20 Feb 2012 21:06:35
20 Feb 2012 21:06:35 Phil Boyle replied:
Hi Vulcho
It is a DMX product(version 1.2.0) and seems to work which ever jquery-latest.pack.js version that happens to get the lightbox to work properly.
This wouldn't stop my lightbox from working. I have the same problem on another website where I had to use jquery-latest.pack.js version 1.4.4 to achieve the AHE3 working and lightbox but it doesn't have the nivo-slider it has html5slideshow.
The one I've linked ( to on my previous post hasn't been linked to the AHE3 yet but I know I will have to use version 1.4.4

thanks again for your input

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