Sliding Billboard Support Product Page

Links don't work properly in billboard

Asked 25 Feb 2010 12:04:05
has this question
25 Feb 2010 12:04:05 Gabrielle H posted:

I tacked on another question at the end of my last post, but as I'm not getting any response I thought I'd try starting a new thread.

I have the following list of links on my site.

      <div><a href="#">+ Clothing</a>
      <div> <?php echo "<a href=\"$url_business/index.php?subcatID=1&amp;itemTypeID=1\">Jackets</a>"?></div>
      <div> <?php echo "<a href=\"$url_business/index.php?subcatID=1&amp;itemTypeID=2\">Knitwear</a>"?></div>
      <div> <?php echo "<a href=\"$url_business/index.php?subcatID=1&amp;itemTypeID=3\">T-shirts</a>"?></div>
      <div> <?php echo "<a href=\"$url_business/index.php?subcatID=1&amp;itemTypeID=4\">Jeans</a>"?></div>
      <div> <?php echo "<a href=\"$url_business/index.php?subcatID=1&amp;itemTypeID=5\">Shoes</a>"?></div>
      <div> <?php echo "<a href=\"$url_business/index.php?subcatID=1&amp;itemTypeID=6\">Shirts</a>"?></div>

These links point to a controller file that queries the database and then "includes" a template file containing the sliding billboard. Even though there are 6 links above, each of them loads the same sliding billboard but the information that's loaded for each link is different as it will vary depending on the query string in the link, eg.


This sliding billboard has 6 sections, one each for each of the above links. As mentioned above, currently when you click on each of the links the billboard will render in the browser populated with information from the database relating to that section. So if I click on the "Jackets" link, it will load the information about Jackets. If I click on the second link, ie. "Knitwear", it will load the information about knitwear. Since the billboard contains 6 sections, it shows these section links in the billboard, however I'm unable to click on these billboard links in order to load information (as I'm able to do with my external links). They don't work currently. I'm only able to load information into the billboard by using the above links in my menu.

So my question is twofold:

1) I need to be able to click on any of the links in my menu above and have the billboard load at the right section. For example if I clicked on "Knitwear" in my menu then the "Knitwear" link in the slideshow would highlight and the information would be seen at that section which is section number 2.

2) I also need to be able to click on the links in the billboard and be able to see the information for each of the sections - just like I'm able to do when I click my links in the menu above.

Can someone help me with this? I've been trying to get answers for days now but there is no support being offered. I'm really running out of time for this project and need some assistance.

Would really appreciate it if a support member would answer.


Replied 26 Feb 2010 11:18:11
26 Feb 2010 11:18:11 Miroslav Zografski replied:
This topic was settled through our live support chat.


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