Sliding Billboard Support Product Page
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Possible JQuery modification to the sliding action ?
Asked 06 Jan 2011 19:01:42
has this question
06 Jan 2011 19:01:42 Chris Parker posted:
Hi, first off i'd like to say the DMX Sliding Billboard extension is brilliant! and I have no problems at all [
Q: Is there is anything I could add / or remove from the jQuery that is generated (copied in below) to make the billboard fade in rather than slide?
Many Thanks for your help
<script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready( function() { jQuery("#billboard1").dmxSlidingBillboard( { width: '980', height: 340, columns: 1, rows: 1, scrollInterval: 7000, scrollDuration: 'fast', navPos: '', secPagingPos: 'top', design: 'dark_black', layoutStyle: 'left', scrollEasing: 'swing', sideNavPos: 'outside', horizontal: false, keyboard: true, mousewheel: false, autoPlay: true, imageMaxWidth: '50%', imageMaxHeight: '100%', showSideNavOnMouseOver: false, imageScaleUp: false, startSection: 1, startIndex: 1, autoNextSection: true } ); } ); // ]]> </script
Replied 10 Jan 2011 11:10:20
10 Jan 2011 11:10:20 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
As discussed in a live support chat session, this is not possible, also - the idea of the extension as it name says is to slide