Feed Genie Support Product Page


Detail/master pages pages

Asked 13 Nov 2010 17:27:12
have this question
13 Nov 2010 17:27:12 malox alox posted:
If I use Feed Genie on one page to display all the Titles posts from a blog, I want the user to be able to click on that Title and go to a detail page, where they can read the actual blog post, comment on it, and share it with others.

Any thoughts? How can I do this?


Replied 25 Jan 2012 04:11:30
25 Jan 2012 04:11:30 Lar Ro replied:
You can do this with the tools built into Dreamweaver. You can use the XSL Tranformation server behavior with any XML file. I use this behavior on one of my sites where they wanted to let someone do updates to the homepage. Later I found out that that "person" could hardly post a blog. So I added WordPress and used RSS feeds to update the home page.
www.soaringacademy.org home page. Right now it is set to show the first 55 words of the latest post in two Categories. However, using the repeating behavior you can have it list as many as you want (performance should be considered). You can use this capability in many of the DMX products that allow an PHP page to be displayed. Use, requires PHP.

Replied 21 Oct 2022 12:40:11
21 Oct 2022 12:40:11 Kirk Weber replied:

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